Eight steps to become a wedding celebrant
Becoming a Commonwealth Registered Marriage Celebrant is an important and valuable pathway to a really fun and fulfilling career in weddings.
1. Do you really want to be a celebrant?
There's enough average wedding celebrants in the industry but Australia is calling out for awesome celebrants; do you have the passion and drive to be a really good celebrant?We've written an article on the kind of person who should think about becoming a celebrant in Australia.

2. Age
The Marriage Act governs who can become a celebrant in Australia, and it isn't bothered with citizenship or residency, but the law does ask that you are 18 years of age or older.
3. Qualification
The law dictates that a person applying to become an Commonwealth Registered Marriage Celebrant in Australia needs a Certificate IV in Celebrancy.Luckily for you, we have the best celebrant course in Australia, our Certificate IV in Celebrancy has high completion rates and is the best onramp to a profitable and successful celebrancy career.

4. Have no conflict of interest
You are required to be free of any conflicts of interest as a celebrant.A common conflict of interest is if you work for a wedding venue.
5. Be fit and proper
The big variable with becoming a celebrant is that the law requires applicants to be fit and proper people.The guidelines given to the registrar of celebrants by the law include that the person should- have sufficient knowledge of the law relating to the solemnisation of marriages by marriage celebrants- be committed to advising couples of the availability of relationship support services- be of good standing in the community- not have been convicted of an offence, punishable by imprisonment for one year or longer- no likelihood the person is gaining a benefit in respect of another business that the person owns, controls or carries out- be committed to fulfilling certain obligations listed in the Marriage Act, e.g. conducting themselves in accordance with the Code of Practice for Marriage CelebrantsIn addition to this list, Commonwealth Registered Marriage Celebrant cannot discriminate against people based on race, religion, sex, or gender, so if that's your thing maybe consider a different career where that kind of stuff is (weirdly) acceptable?

6. Pay and apply
Once you have your Certificate IV in Celebrancy qualification paperwork, you're ready to apply and pay the application fee. The fee has been $600 in the past but is currently $400.
7. Wait
The moment your application has been approved the Commonwealth government will let you know by email. Calling and emailing them will not speed up the process, so it's important to not be committed to performing any marriage ceremonies or signing any marriage paperwork until after you receive your registration.If you have a couple waiting for you to become registered you should arrange for a registered celebrant to cover for you.Typical wait times are three to six months after you have applied, which you can't do until you complete your Certificate IV which will take around 12 months.

8. Go forth and be awesome!
The very second you receive your registration notification you are ready to marry people according to Australian marriage law.If an already registered marriage celebrant had signed a Notice Of Intended Marriage form for a couple, you could transfer that NOIM and marry them now, or you can start marketing and taking clients.For the best direction, mentorship, and help in being an awesome celebrant become a member of the Celebrant Institute!